About Me
Hi! My name is Gabriel Alejandro Fonseca Huete. I am a Senior Software Engineering student at Keiser University Latin American Campus, Nicaragua; and I am a Full-Stack developer currently pursuing my Full-Stack Engineer certificate from Codecademy course site.
My dream is to become a Software Engineering graduate, use my expertise and knowledge to help society by making quality software implementations in jobs, and people's every day lives.
My hobbies are to, play Basketball, practice Calisthenics, running, spend time with my beautiful girlfriend.
There are seconds left for graduation day!

Fitness App Project
This was one of the first projects I did on my own during the Web Development Foundations module in my Codecademy course. It was a way to practice some of the knowledge about HTML and CSS I had previously learned.

Personal Portfolio Project
This was the first time I did a website by combining the power of HTML, CSS and JavaScript together. Also, I had to do version control using Git and Github for it. This was my first time building an interactive website.
Click on it to see the current version of it ->

I am very proficient at HTML. I've been working with it for more than a year, having several experience in multiple projects.
My CSS skills are advanced, since I know how to manage flexbox and grids up to media queries and transitions.
My JavaScript skills are intermidiate, mostly because I'm still not very familiarized with the DOM manipulation.
I have a proficient level of Python, since taking the class and working on a Task Manager Project I did.
In Git, I have a beginner level understanding. Mostly stage files, and committing files and adding it to GitHub Repository.
In terms of GitHub, I have used it to manage the files I have commited using Git as well as posting two websites as a test.
I have a very basic knowledge of NodeJs since first using it in Web Development II class at KU. I used ExpressJS framework to create 2 CRUD applications on it.
Despite being my first programming language, it was the first programming language I learned. It gave me the first understanding of OOP which has been useful to me when programming in Python and JavaScript.